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Field Day  

Rural Report – Bombala Times- (20th March 2013)

A Fascinating Field day at “Knockalong”

In Knockalong woolshed morning tea was offered and visitors became acquainted to kick off a successful day supported by Snowy River Interstate Landcare and the Federal Government’s Caring for our Country Program.

There were a number of displays presented regarding management practices used on the property. These included mapping, fire preparedness, native tree seed harvesting with displays of collected tree seed. There was also a “make your own fly trap” station with all materials supplied.

Outside the woolshed an on-farm fire truck and fire trailer were displayed as well as the 3 point linkage, tractor mounted Delva (channel maker) used to create the 20 km of earth water channels on the property.

All seats were filled by visitors from the South Coast, Monaro and Snowy Mountains areas as Andrea Mitchell, coordinator for the Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee, welcomed all present and presented Rowan Wright, owner and host of the day at Knockalong.

Rowan presented some background information touching on the early settlers of the area and how his management principals of today differ from those early days. Information pamphlets and Landcare project reports were presented and distributed.

With visitors loaded into vehicles, the convoy headed off to a number of sites around the property to look at areas of erosion repair and broadcast tree seed sites (20 years mature).

The establishment of extensive native tree planting areas fed by water channels, the successes and failures as well as a “Plan B” to resolve earlier problems.

Rowan explained his work dealing with weeds such as African Lovegrass and Serrated Tussock  and the work of his father, Rix Wright, in erosion mitigation and repair and the use of an extensive Keyline system that incorporates fencing, trees, water storage & retention and water transfer via earth channels in combination with the land form.

The property was laced with tree guards on tree re-growth including original “stick” guards built by Rix’s wife, Jenny, as an effective method of keeping stock off the tree re-growth.

Rowan demonstrated the use of the irrigation system on an area pattern ploughed in such a way that the water when released on the slope, migrated laterally rather than directly down the slope to the gully.

On returning to the Woolshed for lunch, the participants discussed issues brought up by the tour and collected documentation.

After lunch we walked to an area of treated African Lovegrass to discuss methods of management and plant identification in the company of Colin Groves, Bombala Council’s Chief Weeds Officer. Colin also provided a large variety of printed matter on weeds and management.

Karen Walker, seed bank coordinator for the Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (SRCMA), Bega, was on hand to share her experience in the seed harvesting field.  Tim Fletcher from SRCMA, Cooma presented a native grass seed harvester that can be used attached to an ATV or self-supporting on wheels. This was acquired as a result of their successful Biodiversity fund application.

The day wound up with an inspection of Yeomans machinery used in conjunction with the implementation of the Keyline system.

Rowan commented on the day… “I received a great deal of feedback from the day with new ideas that prompt me to take further action and modify my existing plans. I find the social interaction and exchange of ideas on field days of great value.”

The Original Invitation                            

On the 13 March 2013 a field day will be held at the Knockalong property. Morning tea and  lunch will be provided.

This event is hosted by Landcare and will cover topics such as tree establishment including regeneration, planting & broadcast seed sites as well as tree & grass seed harvesting.   Water retention including storage, water transfer & pattern ploughing. Erosion rehabilitation will encompass various forms of site rehabilitation. Weed control will look at the methods of management used on, among others, African Lovegrass and Serrated Tussock.

Visitors will be accompanied by professionals in the field with the intention that all shall have the opportunity to participate as part of the combined “knowledge bank”. The Field Day Flyer can be downloaded. Please check this site for any changes in the program.


Art Exhibition – Hilda Rix Nicholas

The exhibition Paris to Monaro, was held at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra in 2013. This major exhibition celebrating the capital’s centenary was seen at the National Portrait Gallery from 1st June to 11th August.

Links to sites relating to this exhibition

The Australian

The Canberra Times

National Portrait Gallery