
The unwanted plants

When my father first cleared the country to create contoured avenues of shelter belts, he was always frustrated at the fact that wattles would germinate and “re-infest” the cleared ground.

It is only now that I better understand the natural process that was under way. The wattles being the “recovery” plants, bursting into action from both dormant seed and roots through the disturbed ground. They are opportunists, re-inhabiting the open space.

If we were to look at the longer term than we may see that the wattles are performing a positive act of land recovery, sinking their roots and binding the fragile soils, depositing nitrogen into the soil, creating a low wind shelter and sheltering other emerging plants and grasses. In time the slow growing eucalyptus species will grow tall and dominate the “shorter” lived wattles which have laid their seed in readiness for the next event.

The greatest Threat

Exotic Introduced species to this native environment have the potential to disrupt the productivity of farming enterprises.   To deal with these weeds effectively it requires direct and timely action. There is no room for procrastination! Evaluate the situation, plan for the worst case scenario, budget for the actions, act and re-evaluate!

My observations and actions regarding specific introduced weeds have led to the  following documents. “African Lovegrass Observations” and “Serious about Weeds”. More information can be found in the newsletter “Tussock Talk” by the Serrated Tussock Working Party for NSW and ACT.

You can also participate with local Landcare organisations and councils, we all have some expertise to share and certainly everyone has a point of view.

If you would like more detailed information on weed control as practised on this property see the More on Weeds page.